Monday, May 16, 2011

Good Soldier or Bad King: Both

You might think that since Richard the Lionhearted is one of the most famous European kings that he was a good ruler. You are definitely wrong. Richard’s mother raised Richard and his brothers to hate their OWN father. Richard was said to like the quote ‘From the Devil we sprang and to the Devil we will return.’ Richard may not have been a good ruler but he was well educated and was noted for his military and political abilities which he used in protecting and controlling his territories. He was a harsh and severe ruler.
 Richard controlled his troops by strict rules and he was merciless to prisoners of war. Despite his brutality, his soldiers loved him for his bravery and fairness. I would quit the army if he was my leader. To me, the biggest reason King Richard was a bad ruler was because of the way he treated Jews. At his coronations, he didn’t let any Jews come and then later decided that all Jews should be killed. When the people that lived in London heard that, they started a massacre against Jews. All throughout history it seems that Jews are the ones everybody wants to kill, I just don’t get it.


  1. His tratis balance eachother out, even though he could be a bit harsh. Although the harsh rule I'm surprised his soliders like him.

  2. Yikes, I was suprised when I read that their mother raised them to hate their own father. I didn't know he was that harsh and mean at times.

  3. Thats wierd because normally rulers are supposed to be nice and NOT hate there father.

  4. dang teaching your sons to hate there father that sounds a little dangerous.

  5. I agree, why does evrybody hate the Jews? I don't get what they did wrong?! And ya, this guy seems REALLY mean!

  6. WOW, who knew that someone that's that brutal can be loved and known very much. That's what I think is interesting.
