Monday, May 16, 2011

How did Richard die?

On return from the Third Crusade, in late 1192, Richard was taken prisoner by his enemy, Duke Leopold of Austria. Duke Leopold then handed him over to Henry IV, the Holy Roman Emperor. Henry took Richard hostage, good way to get what you want, right? But Richard escaped with the help of one of his minstrels. Richard immediately moved to Normandy to save his lands from Philip II and a long war started. Although Richard finally made peace with Philip he was fatally wounded by a crossbow on April 6, 1199.

He was shot while trying to take over the caster of the viscount, which is a step above a baron, of Limoges. He got shot for a really stupid reason… you guessed it… fighting over money. He was fighting over the ownership of a treasure of gold discovered by a local peasant. Richard died in his bed three days after he was shot. Before he died, he called the man who had shot him to his castle and forgave him. I can respect that. But even thought Richard had forgiven the man, once Richard died the man who shot him was hanged.


  1. I think a crime is a crime and the man who shot him should be hanged. But, it is respectable to forgive the man.

  2. He was a lucky man to escape from captivaty. And I think the man shouldn't have been hanged because he forgave him and it goes against his word

  3. I really liked all the facts you put in here! I wasn't surprized at all when I found out that he was killed over a fight about money. I mean, that is why most people in the Middle Ages died, right?

  4. people back then and there money must have been serious about it! because its just money they shouldnt of killed him for that reason!
