Monday, May 16, 2011

How did Richard the Lionhearted become king?

Richard I was the third son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine. As a child, he was made the duke of Aquitaine, land his father had gained by marriage. Richard ruled Aquitaine severely which brought him respect but also made him hated by the barons, one of the lowest forms of nobility, that he ruled. In 1173, Richard joined a rebellion against his father started by his mother and older brother, Henry III. Eventually, all of his brothers joined the rebellion.
 Right after peace with his father was restored, Richard and Henry started fighting. Yes, don’t feel so innocent, I’m sure if you have a brother that you fight with him too.  Henry hadn’t gotten any land from his father when he was a child which made him jealous of Richard. The barons of Aquitaine decided rebelled against Richard and got Henry to join the rebellion. Henry suddenly died so the rebellion ended and Richard claimed his father’s kingdom.
The only thing that stopped Richard from taking the throne immediately was his father. Henry II refused to give Richard the power. When they met with King Philip Augustus in 1178, Henry denied that Richard was the rightful heir. So Richard decided to switch sides and fight with his father’s enemy. During the war that followed, King Henry II died and Richard became king of England, Aquitaine, and Normandy.


  1. Richard and his brother must have been pretty brave to rebel against their father. I wouldn't do that.

  2. It must be sad for his father to know that his wife and son rebelled against him. They must have been brave. Especially given how women were treated back then.

  3. Man Richards brother after rebelling against their father together and then his brother betrays him and then Henry dies that sound like a fun life.And to rebel against his father that was a risky move.

  4. Wow! Now I know where Richard the Lion-hearted got his name (or at least part of the reason he got it)! He was so brave to rebel against his own father! But, I bet it was also hard for his dad to know that his whole family rebelled against him.

  5. That is so mean that someones own brother would go against himin a war. And now I know who this guy is!!!
